Cleanliness is Next to…IMPOSSIBLE!

Yo Puppies pride themselves on being hygienically squared away!

But, sometimes ya just gotta get a scrub down! Happens today is bath day at The Ranch. Three recruits and The Major got a dunking! Everyone smells like cherry blossoms now and they, along with DI Dr. Yo, all have survived.

Cadet T’Challa was ready to leave before he even got started.

Cadet Stephen Strange shared the disdain T’Challa had for bath time.

And, Cadet Tony Stark was certain he was going to die!

Showing the “kids” how it’s done, Major Oreo Corgi stepped up, with treat coercion, to get his bath.

No Yo Puppies were harmed in completion of these baths! But, The Major tried to hide to avoid ANY possibility of a second bath!

Don’t you wish your puppy was a Yo Puppy?

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