What in the world is Cadet Chief LAUGHING AT?!?

Hey puppy-lovers!

Curly laughingChief is laughing because he just got his very latest Yo Puppies update in his email inbox, even before people on Facebook see it! Want to be ahead of the curve like our boy Chief? It’s easy!!

We are working to build the circulation of YoPuppiesKC.com, so that we can find more homes for MORE rescued puppies! How can you help? Well, if you DO enjoy the puppy posts…and if you DO NOT, what kind of monster are you anyway?…share it on Facebook, share it via email! If YOU have a blog or webpage, share it there, let us know, and Yo Puppies will return the favor!!Subscribe

But, where do I sign up, Dr. Yo? Soooo easy!!

Go to the “YoPuppies in Yo’ Email” space on any post. Enter your email address and, just like Cadet Chief and his buddy Archie, you will get immediate notifications of ALL new Yo Puppies posts! Cool, eh?

We swear on a puppy’s head, we will NEVER EVER share your email address or any other info about you. Go try it now! And, if you are looking for a NEW BEST FRIEND, go fill out an adoption application at pawsitivetailskc.com. We have puppies, big dogs, little dogs, rowdy dogs, and calm dogs. About any type of dog you want, we’ve got ’em…or will be getting them!

Happy adoption

But really…

Two dogs playingDon’t you wish your puppy was a Yo Puppy?

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