New Recruits Have Arrived! Classic TV Litter.

The new troop has landed.

So far, five babies at the Yo Puppy Training Facility. We are naming this group of recruits the Classic TV Litter. 

Rosie asleep
We have the littlest cadet, Cadet Rosie.

She’s gonna need some extra TLC.  And, DI Terry is on duty to see that snuggles and close care takes place!

 Next is, Cadet Fred.

He looks to be an outstanding recruit and we expect great things from Fred!



Here we have Cadet Opie.

This cadet is showing himself to be an early leader and we’ll do what we can to cultivate any leadership skills Cadet Opie might have.

Cadet Morey is a bit more reserved.

He seems to have had some scary times trauma or maybe he is just a little shy. He’s very reserved and not quick to warm to his new surroundings. No matter the issue, we’ll allow this cadet to get used to the good life for a few days.



Finally, we have Cadet Ethyl.


Cadet Ethyl is going to be a strong teammate in the troop. We anticipate this cadet may do her part to keep the boys in line.


Over the next several days, the cadets will be introduced to the rigors of training at the Yo Puppy Ranch. For now, they are in the bunkhouse and getting a taste of the good life.


Don’t you wish your puppy was a Yo Puppy?

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