Combat splooting is a very important skill for Yo Puppy recruits. They are trained to be the best SPLOOT era on the planet!

A perfect example of SPLOOT Training is presented by recruit Shasta!
Fluffy puppy SPLOOT






Recruit Sprite, call sign, “Leaping Land Shark,” attempts to display his slightly imperfect SPLOOT skills. While The Major offers kind and concise guidance.

Growly Major

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Don’t you wish your puppy was a Yo Puppy?

2 thoughts on “SPLOOT TRAINING!

  1. Love the sploot — I have never seen Major act like this. Is he grumpy today??

    1. Not grumpy, that’s just how he “corrects” the babies. Rest assured that no bites are exchanged during training exercises! He actually runs down the stairs when I tell him it’s time to see the babies. He really loves them…but won’t show his true feelings because he thinks it might make him appear weak! 🤣

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